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Aircraft Incident on Middle Bass
Middle Bass Island was the center of a Coast Guard Search and Rescue Operation on April 29, 2006.
It seemed as if it was going to be just another quiet spring evening on Middle Bass Island last Saturday. Then about 6 pm, a Dolphin class Coast Guard helicopter rocketed over the East Point section of Middle Bass, made several long circles out to Kelley's and around to North Bass, and appeared to be looking for someone in trouble. The wind was blowing hard and with 45 degree water it looked like a dire situation for someone.
The helicopter disappeared and then much to our surprise it returned and hovered over the East Point grass runway like an alien space ship. It stopped near an airplane. Two large, stout, young crewmen jumped out and headed to one of the airplanes. Apparently the ELT (emergency locator transmitter) had been inadvertently tripped. They turned it off. No harm, no foul play. Everybody was all smiles since no one was hurt. This may have been the first airplane incident on Middle Bass without damage or injury.
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