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On January 21, 2006, we turned off the ability to add new entries to the guestbook. The guestbook had been in operation over five years, and its too bad that the Internet has reached a stage of evolution in which public guestbooks can no longer operate. But we're going to leave all the entries from the original guestbook visible. The links to them are below.
We had replaced the old guestbook on June 2, 2005 with a new one that we thought would be less susceptible to constant attacks by spambots leaving junk entries, usually links to all sorts of undesirable sites. But it didn't work. The first few months that the new guestbook was in existence, we only got about 1-2 junk entries per week. By December, 2005, we were getting 2-3 junk entries per day, and taking time to delete these got to be too much of a hassle. So here are links to the guestbook entries before the days of the heavy guestbook spammers.
All Contents Copyright © 2000-2005 by Middle Bass on the Web, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission is forbidden for any purposes other than personal use. Revised: 21 Jul 2008 06:55:12. This page has been accessed