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| Lonz Accident 1st Reunion - July 1, 2001
(also see the Toledo Blade article from 4/28/01 Winery Cave-In Victims Reunite and the Port Clinton News Herald article from 4/28/01 Lonz Tragedy Victims to Meet.)
Greetings Everyone:
I am sorry I have been so lapsed in responding to people. As far as I know most people are doing better. Some I know are still having problems, myself included, but well on our way to recovery. I hope this message finds everyone well.
I am writing to let people know that we are trying to facilitate a reunion. I am trying to get the word out so I am sending this to everyone in my address book. Please forward to anyone else you know that had a part in that day or would be interested in joining us. All are welcome. The plan is to have it on July 1st, 2001 which is a Sunday starting at noon. It is going to be held at
It is near E. Harbor State Park between Catawba & Marblehead (mainland). There are bed & breakfasts, a Holiday Inn and Fairfield Inn if you are driving a distance and would like to get a room. I don't have details yet but when I get an idea of how many people are coming that would like to get a room maybe we can work out some group discounts. There will be a tent set up outside and there will be grill food available for purchase and refreshments. St. Vincent's Hospital will be doing a slide presentation of the accident and their experience of that day at approximately 2pm. They are bringing the helicopter as well.
This will be going out to many people who knew Mark, the man who passed away, and to them I extend a request. We were interested in doing a small memorial/remembrance in his honor and would like to know if that would be alright with his family and friends and if they would like to help coordinate or be a part of it. To my friends who were there with him that day if you could contact his parents and see how they feel about that I would appreciate it. Feel free to give them my number.
We are still organizing this so if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to contact myself or JoEllen. There will probably be some news people there and again, anyone is welcome. Those of us who were there and involved understand the comfort in sharing with others who were there. I think it would be nice to see some of the people who assisted me that day so I can thank them in person.
I am helping JoEllen Ruehle coordinate this so please feel free to contact either one of us if you have questions or to RSVP. Emails you can reach me at are winery_accident@hotmail.com or maddiejojo@columbus.rr.com. It is important to RSVP so we can get an idea of how much food to have on hand.
Please only call the Crow's Nest if you need help with directions. They won't be prepared to answer questions about the reunion and they are being kind enough to host this event and I wouldn't want them to get bombarded with calls on questions they might not have answers.
Please let myself or JoEllen know as soon as you can if you will be attending. I hope you can make it. I look forward to seeing everyone there and don't forget your cameras for those who will be unable to attend. Digitals would be great so we can circulate them on the net. I hope to hear from you soon. Take Care and God Bless.
Sincerely, Beth Roach Columbus, Ohio
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