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The Jim Bretz Collection
In July, 2003, Jim Bretz made his personal photo collection available to us for publishing. Jim was a descendant of the Middle Bass Island family that founded the Bretz Winery in 1867 and had spent his entire life on the island except for the last three years. Located at a quiet spot near the end of Muller Road, the Bretz Winery produced very popular wines and champagnes for many years, and also supplied grapes to the Lonz Winery. Until 2004 when he moved into a nursing care facility, Jim lived on Middle Bass Island and operated the Ile de Fleurs House and Cottages. The winery has been closed since 1983, but the buildings are still in good condition.
We have separated the photos into several categories for easier browsing, and wish to give special thanks to Jim for sharing so much wonderful Middle Bass Island history.
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